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லலிதா சகஸ்ரநாமம் : பகுதி 11

Updated: Jun 16

ஆறு ஆதார சக்கரங்கள்

மனித உடல் கண்களுக்குப் புலனாகும் ஸ்தூல சரீரம் மற்றும் புலனாகாத சூட்சும சரீரமும் கொண்டது. மனித உடலின் சூட்சும சரீரத்தில் அமைந்த சக்தி மையங்களே சக்கரங்களாகும். மூலாதாரம், சுவாதிஷ்டானம், மணிபூரகம், அநாகதம், விசுக்தி, ஆக்ஞை, சகஸ்ரதளம் என ஏழு சக்கரங்கள் உள்ளன. சூட்சுமமாக இருந்து மனிதனின் ஒவ்வொரு செயல்பாடுகளையும் இந்தச் சக்கரங்கள் கட்டுப்படுத்துகின்றன. தாமரை மொட்டின் வடிவில் உள்ள இவற்றில் யோகப் பயிற்சியின் மூலம் குண்டலினி சக்தியினைச் செலுத்தும்போது மலர்கின்றன. ஒவ்வொரு சக்கரத்திற்கும் ஒரு தெய்வம், மந்திரம், நிறம் உண்டு. மேலும், சக்கரத்திலுள்ள தாமரையின் ஒவ்வொரு இதழுக்கும் ஒரு மந்திர எழுத்தும் இருக்கிறது. பஞ்ச பூதங்களுடன் ஒவ்வொரு சக்கரமும் தொடர்பு கொண்டுள்ளது.

குண்டலினி சக்தியை மூலாதார சக்கரத்தில் இருந்து சகஸ்ராரம் வரை கொண்டு செல்வதையே குண்டலினி எழுப்புதல் என்பர். நம் உடலில் விளங்கும் குண்டலினி சக்தி. சகஸ்ராரத்தில் சிவனுடன் ஐக்கியமாவதையே சிவசக்தி ஐக்கியம் என்பர்.

Ragam : Bhairavi

कालरात्र्यादि-शक्त्यौघ-वृता स्निग्धौदनप्रिया ।

महावीरेन्द्र-वरदा राकिण्यम्बा-स्वरूपिणी ॥ १०१॥

मणिपूराब्ज-निलया वदनत्रय-संयुता ।

वज्रादिकायुधोपेता डामर्यादिभिरावृता ॥ १०२॥

रक्तवर्णा मांसनिष्ठा गुडान्न-प्रीत-मानसा ।

समस्तभक्त-सुखदा लाकिन्यम्बा-स्वरूपिणी ॥ १०३॥

स्वाधिष्ठानाम्बुज-गता चतुर्वक्त्र-मनोहरा ।

शूलाद्यायुध-सम्पन्ना पीतवर्णाऽतिगर्विता ॥ १०४॥

मेदोनिष्ठा मधुप्रीता बन्धिन्यादि-समन्विता ।

दध्यन्नासक्त-हृदया काकिनी-रूप-धारिणी ॥ १०५॥

मूलाधाराम्बुजारूढा पञ्च-वक्त्राऽस्थि-संस्थिता ।

अङ्कुशादि-प्रहरणा वरदादि-निषेविता ॥ १०६॥

मुद्गौदनासक्त-चित्ता साकिन्यम्बा-स्वरूपिणी ।

आज्ञा-चक्राब्ज-निलया शुक्लवर्णा षडानना ॥ १०७॥

मज्जासंस्था हंसवती-मुख्य-शक्ति-समन्विता ।

हरिद्रान्नैक-रसिका हाकिनी-रूप-धारिणी ॥ १०८॥

सहस्रदल-पद्मस्था सर्व-वर्णोप-शोभिता ।

सर्वायुधधरा शुक्ल-संस्थिता सर्वतोमुखी ॥ १०९॥

सर्वौदन-प्रीतचित्ता याकिन्यम्बा-स्वरूपिणी ।

स्वाहा स्वधाऽमतिर् मेधा श्रुतिः स्मृतिर् अनुत्तमा ॥ ११०॥

Meaning of Shlokas 101-110

Kalaratryadi shaktyaugha vruta 

She who is surrounded by kalaratri and other shaktis

Snigdhaudana priya

She who is fond of food offerings containing ghee, oil and other substances containing fats 

Mahavirendra varada

She who bestows boons on great warriors

Rakinyamba svarupini

She who is in the form of the rakini deity

Manipurabja nilaya

She who resides in the ten-petaled lotus in the manipuraka chakra

Vadana traya samyuta

She who has three faces 


She who holds the vajra (lightning bolt) and other weapons 

Damaryadibhih aavruta

She who is surrounded by DAmarI and other attending deities

āvṛtta (आवृत्त).= Enclosed, encompassed; enwrapped,


She who is red in complexion


She who presides over the flesh in living beings

Gudanna prita manasa

She who is fond of sweet rice made with raw sugar

Samasta bhakta sukhada

She who confers happiness on all Her devotees

Lakinyamba svarupini

She who is in the form of the lAkinI yoginI

Svadhisthana ambujagata

She who resides in the six-petaled lotus in the svadishthana as kakini yogini

Chaturvaktra manohara

She who has four beautiful faces

Shuldayayudha sampanna

She who possesses the trident and other weapons (i.e., noose, skull and abhaya)


She who is yellow in color


She who is very proud


She who resides in the fat in living beings


She who is fond of honey and other offerings made with honey

Bandinyadi samanvita

She who is accompanied by bandhini and other shaktis

Dadhyannasakta hrudaya

She who is particularly fond of offerings made with curd

Kakini rupadharini

She who is in the form of kAkinI yoginI

Muladhara ambuja arudha

She who is resident in the lotus in the mooladhara


She who has five faces


She who resides in the bones

Ankushadi praharana

She who holds the goad and other weapons

Varadadi nishevita

She who is attended by varadA and other shaktis

Mudgaudana asaktachitta

She who is particularly fond of food offerings made of mudga, a lentil

Sakinyamba svarupini

She who is in the form of sAkinI yoginI

Agya charkabja nilaya

She who resides in the two-petaled lotus in the AjnAchakra


She who is white in color


She who has six faces

Majja samstha

She who is the presiding deity of the bone marrow

Hamsavati mukhyashakti Samanvita

She who is accompanied by the shaktis hamsavatI and kShamAvati (in the two petals of the lotus)

Haridrannaika rasika

Who loves offerings of saffron – flavored rice.

Hakini rupadharini

She who is in the form of hakini devi

Sahasradala padmastha

She who resides in the thousand-petaled lotus

Sarvavarnopa shobhita

She who is radiant in many colors

Sarvyudha dhara

She who holds all the known weapons

Shukla samsthita

She who resides in the semen


She who has faces turned in all directions

Sarvaudana pritachitta

She who is pleased by all offerings of food; ओदन=cooked rice

Yakinyamba svarupini

She who is in the form of the yakini yogini


She who is the object of the invocation 'svaha' at the end of mantras chanted while offering oblations to the fire in

 yaga ceremonies


The Deity Svadha, the sacred exclamation uttered while making oblations to the Pitrus

Amatih: Who is Amiti (Buddhi or knowledge)

She who is in the form of ignorance or nescience


She who is in the form of wisdom (knowledge)


She who is in the form of the vedas


She who is in the form of smriti (works based on the meaning of vedas)


She who is the best; She who is not excelled by anyone


Let's now hear M.S. Sheela sing the above lines in Ragam Bhairavi.

Here's The Sanskrit Channel's Part 2/5 of slow recitation of Sahasranama.

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