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Lalita Sahasranamam - Part 19

Writer's picture: Uma ShankariUma Shankari

Updated: Nov 12, 2024

Ragam Sindhu bhairavi

सव्यापसव्य-मार्गस्था सर्वापद्विनिवारिणी ।

स्वस्था स्वभावमधुरा धीरा धीरसमर्चिता ॥ १६९॥

चैतन्यार्घ्य-समाराध्या चैतन्य-कुसुमप्रिया ।

सदोदिता सदातुष्टा तरुणादित्य-पाटला ॥ १७०॥

दक्षिणा-दक्षिणाराध्या दरस्मेर-मुखाम्बुजा ।

कौलिनी-केवलाऽनर्घ्य-कैवल्य-पददायिनी ॥ १७१॥

स्तोत्रप्रिया स्तुतिमती श्रुति-संस्तुत-वैभवा ।

मनस्विनी मानवती महेशी मङ्गलाकृतिः ॥ १७२॥

विश्वमाता जगद्धात्री विशालाक्षी विरागिणी ।

प्रगल्भा परमोदारा परामोदा मनोमयी ॥ १७३॥

व्योमकेशी विमानस्था वज्रिणी वामकेश्वरी ।

पञ्चयज्ञ-प्रिया पञ्च-प्रेत-मञ्चाधिशायिनी ॥ १७४॥

पञ्चमी पञ्चभूतेशी पञ्च-संख्योपचारिणी ।

शाश्वती शाश्वतैश्वर्या शर्मदा शम्भुमोहिनी ॥ १७५॥

Meaning of Shlokas 169-175

Savyapasavya margastha

Who is reached by both the paths -savya (samaya) & apasavya (kaula) –right and left;

Sarvapad vinivarini

Who wards off all dangers


Self- Established; தன்னிலையில் உள்ளவள்; துன்பமோ, அதனால் ஏற்படும் மன சஞ்சலமோ இவற்றால் பீடிக்கப்படாதவள்..


of Natural Pleasantness; இயல்பாகவே இனிமையானவள்


Courageous;/ endowed with wisdom; அறிவு மயமானவள்

dheera samarchitha

Worshipped by the wise with care and completeness

Chaithanyaraghya samaradhya

worshipped by those who are enlightened with Sacred Water; chaitanya means consciousness or self awareness;

chaithanaya kusumapriya

Devi enjoys being offered ‘Atma Jnaana’ as a flower of worship;


is always in the fresh memory of her devotees


always gratified due to reverences paid by the devotees; எப்பொழுதும் மகிழ்ந்திருப்பவள்;

tharunadithya patala

she is like a rising Sun of crimson hue;

Dakshina dakshinaradhya

She accepts the worship offered by both the knowledgeable and capable persons (jnanis) as well as the ignorant (ajnani)  Dakshina refers to the learned persons who are proficient in knowledge. Adakshina refers to the ignorant who know nothing about God and worship. படித்தோரும் பாமரரும் துதிக்கும் தேவி; தக்ஷிண = வலம் சார்ந்த - தக்ஷிணாசாரம் வலம் சார்ந்த வழிபாட்டு முறையை பின்பற்றுவோர்; அதக்ஷிண = வலம் அல்லாத = வாமாசாரம் - இடம் சார்ந்த வழிபாட்டு முறையை பின்பற்றுவோர்; ஆராத்யா = வழிபடுதல்;

darasmera mukhambuja

She is eternally joyful and is laughing all the time. Her face is comparable to the blooming lotus- a stage wherein it is not a bud but that which has not fully bloomed yet. அலர்ந்த அழகிய தாமரையைப் போன்ற புன்னகை தவழும் முகத்தினள்; தர = முகிழ்க்கும்; ஸ்மேர = புன்னகைத்த; அம்புஜ = தாமரை;

Kaulini kevala

She who is worshipped as pure knowledge (consciousness) by the spiritual aspirants following the kaula path; She who is the unification of the principles of Shiva and shakti. கௌலமார்க்கத்தின் வழிபாட்டின் மூலம் அடையும் பிரம்ம ஞானமாக ஒளிர்பவள்; கௌலினி = கௌல மார்க்கம் (லலிதாம்பிகையை துதிக்கும் மார்கங்களில் ஒன்று)

கேவலா = பிரம்ம ஞானம்;

anarghya kaivalya pada dayini

Devi bestows the matchless Kaivalya to the devotees;


She loves to hear the hymns (stotras) recited by Her devotees


Her attention (mati) is focused on the stotras (hymns, stuti) being recited.

shruti samstuta vaibhava

 the glories of Devi are commended by Vedas and Shastras


She is the controller (moola sutra) for all individual minds (manas). She is also the Manasvini yoga.

Who is self-possessed.


Who is high-minded.


Who is the great queen.


With a benign form.

Viswa maataa

Who is the Mother of the Universe.


Who is the protectress of the universe.


Who has large eyes or who is worshipped as Vishala at Kasi.


Who is utterly passionless.


Who is surprisingly daring


Who is supremely generous.


She who has great happiness


Who is all spirit.


Who has the skies above as Her locks of hair on the head.


She who is seated in Her celestial chariot;


Who is Indrani


Who is the deity of the leftward path of the Kaulas.

Panchagni priya 

She has affinity for the five sacred elements or entities: Deva (gods), Pitara (ancestors), Brahma (the creator), Bhuta (elements or spirits), and Manushya (humans). She embodies the worship and reverence directed towards these fundamental aspects of life and spirituality.

Panchapreta Manchaadhi shayani

Who is seated on a seat supported by the Five Dead, (Brahma, Vishnu, Rudra, Ishvara and Sadashiva).


She who is Sadashiva, the fifth after brahmA, viShNu, rudra and Ishvara

Pancha Bhuteshi 

Who rules over the five primordial elements. Sovereign of Prithvi-Aapas-Tejas-Vayu-Aakasha; 

Pancha Samkhyopa –Charini 

Who is worshipped with the fivefold offerings.

Lam ( Gandham), Ham (Pushpam), Yam (Incense), Vam (Naivedyam) and Sam (Naanaa Vidhopachaaraan);


Who is eternal.


Whose dominion is eternal.


Who gives eternal happiness. Sharman = bliss; 

Sharmada = conferring happiness

Shambhu Mohini

Who is the charmer of Shambhu, Her Consort.

Learn to Sing Shlokas 169-175 (Audio M S Sheela)

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