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Lalita Sahasranamam - Part 20

Writer's picture: Uma ShankariUma Shankari

Updated: Nov 12, 2024

Ragam : surutti

धराधरसुता धन्या धर्मिणी धर्मवर्धिनी ।

लोकातीता गुणातीता सर्वातीता शमात्मिका ॥ १७६॥

बन्धूक-कुसुमप्रख्या बाला लीलाविनोदिनी ।

सुमङ्गली सुखकरी सुवेषाढ्या सुवासिनी ॥ १७७॥

सुवासिन्यर्चन-प्रीताऽऽशोभना शुद्धमानसा ।

बिन्दु-तर्पण-सन्तुष्टा पूर्वजा त्रिपुराम्बिका ॥ १७८॥

दशमुद्रा-समाराध्या त्रिपुराश्री-वशङ्करी ।

ज्ञानमुद्रा ज्ञानगम्या ज्ञानज्ञेय-स्वरूपिणी ॥ १७९॥

योनिमुद्रा त्रिखण्डेशी त्रिगुणाम्बा त्रिकोणगा ।

अनघाऽद्भुत-चारित्रा वाञ्छितार्थ-प्रदायिनी ॥ १८०॥

अभ्यासातिशय-ज्ञाता षडध्वातीत-रूपिणी ।

अव्याज-करुणा-मूर्तिर् अज्ञान-ध्वान्त-दीपिका ॥ १८१॥

आबाल-गोप-विदिता सर्वानुल्लङ्घ्य-शासना ।

श्रीचक्रराज-निलया श्रीमत्-त्रिपुरसुन्दरी ॥ १८२॥

श्रीशिवा शिव-शक्त्यैक्य-रूपिणी ललिताम्बिका ।

Meaning of the Shlokas 176-182


She who is Mother Earth ie who supports, protects. Dhara = Earth


Dhara = Mountain; Sutha = Daughter 

Who is the daughter of Himavan (king of Mountains) 


Who possesses great wealth and good fortune 


She who is virtuous 

Dharma vardhinI

Who motivates and augments dharma 


Who transcends the worlds (14 lokas)


Who is beyond attributes ( Sathva- Rajasa- Tamasa = tri-GuNas)


Who is surpasses everything (all that is known / unknown)


Who is calm and composed - is serene

Bandhooka kusuma prakhyA

Who has the tender grace of Bandhuka blossoms. Bhandhooka - Midday flower ; Kusuma = Flower 

Prakhya = appearance - splendour

She who is like Bandhooka flowers in appearance and grandeur. 


Who is eternally young.

Lila vinodini

Who is amused and finds delight in divine play (sport of creation-sustenance and dissolution)


Who is most auspicious in Herself.


Who bestows happiness


Who is gracefully attired. सुवेश = beautiful garments;


Who is ever with Her consort.

Suvasinyarchana prita

Who is pleased with respect shown to married women.


Whose splendour beams forth in all directions.

Shuddha manasa

Who is ever pure in mind.

Bindu tarpana santushta

Who is pleased with libations offered to the Bindu (the central dot in the Shri chakra).


Who is the first born.


Who is the Mother-Goddess Tripurambika (who represents the stresses in the creative process known Nada, Bindu, and Kala).

Dasha mudra samaradhya

Who is worshipped through the ten Mudras or signs and poses of the hands and fingers in worship.

Tripurashri vashankari

Who controls Tripurashri (a powerful Deity) presiding over the fifth avarana called sarvarthasadhaka chakra.


Who is gyana-mudra also known as Cin-mudra – the finger-pose of knowledge.


Who is attained through knowledge.

Gyanagyeya svarupini

Who is both knowledge and the object of knowledge.

Yoni mudra

Devi is the creator of life and the source of life begins in her Yoni or womb. The yoni represents the womb, the sacred space of creation, gestation, and renewal. Yoni mudra is a hand gesture that takes the shape of a womb and is associated with the feminine regenerative powers in nature.


Who is the presiding deity of the Trikhanda, the three regions of Brahmarandhra, Manipura and Muladhara.


Who is endowed with the three modes of Sattva, Rajas and Tamas.


Who is Amba, the mother of all.


Who dwells in the triangle of Shri-chakra.


Who is sinless.

Adhbhuta charitra

Whose ways are marvellous.

Vanchitartha pradayini

Who grants worshippers whatever they want.

Abhyasatishaya gyata

Who is known only through the strenuous practice of spiritual disciplines.

Shadadhvatita rupini

Who transcends the six modes of devotion (Varna, Pada, Mantra, Kala, Tattva and Bhuvana).

Avyaja karunamurti

Who is unconditional grace.

agyana dhvanta dipika

Who dispels the darkness of ignorance.

Aabalagopa vidita

Who can be understood by all, even by a child or a cowherd.

Sarvanulanghya shasana

Whose laws none dares to transgress.

Shri chakra raja nilaya

Who dwells in the sovereign Shri-chakra.

Shrimath tripura sundari

Who is the divine Tripura-Sundari.

Learn the Shlokas 176-182

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