Ragam : surutti
धराधरसुता धन्या धर्मिणी धर्मवर्धिनी ।
लोकातीता गुणातीता सर्वातीता शमात्मिका ॥ १७६॥
बन्धूक-कुसुमप्रख्या बाला लीलाविनोदिनी ।
सुमङ्गली सुखकरी सुवेषाढ्या सुवासिनी ॥ १७७॥
सुवासिन्यर्चन-प्रीताऽऽशोभना शुद्धमानसा ।
बिन्दु-तर्पण-सन्तुष्टा पूर्वजा त्रिपुराम्बिका ॥ १७८॥
दशमुद्रा-समाराध्या त्रिपुराश्री-वशङ्करी ।
ज्ञानमुद्रा ज्ञानगम्या ज्ञानज्ञेय-स्वरूपिणी ॥ १७९॥
योनिमुद्रा त्रिखण्डेशी त्रिगुणाम्बा त्रिकोणगा ।
अनघाऽद्भुत-चारित्रा वाञ्छितार्थ-प्रदायिनी ॥ १८०॥
अभ्यासातिशय-ज्ञाता षडध्वातीत-रूपिणी ।
अव्याज-करुणा-मूर्तिर् अज्ञान-ध्वान्त-दीपिका ॥ १८१॥
आबाल-गोप-विदिता सर्वानुल्लङ्घ्य-शासना ।
श्रीचक्रराज-निलया श्रीमत्-त्रिपुरसुन्दरी ॥ १८२॥
श्रीशिवा शिव-शक्त्यैक्य-रूपिणी ललिताम्बिका ।
Meaning of the Shlokas 176-182
DharA | She who is Mother Earth ie who supports, protects. Dhara = Earth |
DharasuthA | Dhara = Mountain; Sutha = Daughter Who is the daughter of Himavan (king of Mountains) |
DhanyA | Who possesses great wealth and good fortune |
DharmiNI | She who is virtuous |
Dharma vardhinI | Who motivates and augments dharma |
Loka-atheethA | Who transcends the worlds (14 lokas) |
GuNa-atheethA | Who is beyond attributes ( Sathva- Rajasa- Tamasa = tri-GuNas) |
sarva-atheethA | Who is surpasses everything (all that is known / unknown) |
SamaathmikA | Who is calm and composed - is serene |
Bhandhooka kusuma prakhyA | Who has the tender grace of Bandhuka blossoms. Bhandhooka - Midday flower ; Kusuma = Flower Prakhya = appearance - splendour She who is like Bandhooka flowers in appearance and grandeur. |
Bala | Who is eternally young. |
Lila vinodini | Who is amused and finds delight in divine play (sport of creation-sustenance and dissolution) |
Sumangali | Who is most auspicious in Herself. |
Sukhakari | Who bestows happiness |
Suveshadhya | Who is gracefully attired. |
Suvasini | Who is ever with Her consort. |
Suvasinyarchana prita | Who is pleased with respect shown to married women. |
Shobhana | Whose splendour beams forth in all directions. |
Shuddha manasa | Who is ever pure in mind. |
Bindu tarpana santushta | Who is pleased with libations offered to the Bindu (the central dot in the Shri chakra). |
Purvaja | Who is the first born. |
Tripurambika | Who is the Mother-Goddess Tripurambika (who represents the stresses in the creative process known Nada, Bindu, and Kala). |
Dasha mudra samaradhya | Who is worshipped through the ten Mudras or signs and poses of the hands and fingers in worship. |
Tripurashri vashankari | Who controls Tripurashri (a powerful Deity) presiding over the fifth avarana called sarvarthasadhaka chakra. |
Gyanamudra | Who is gyana-mudra also known as Cin-mudra – the finger-pose of knowledge. |
Gyanagamya | Who is attained through knowledge. |
Gyanagyeya svarupini | Who is both knowledge and the object of knowledge. |
Yoni mudra | She who shows the symbol of pleasure |
Trikhandeshi | Who is the presiding deity of the Trikhanda, the three regions of Brahmarandhra, Manipura and Muladhara. |
Triguna | Who is endowed with the three modes of Sattva, Rajas and Tamas. |
Amba | Who is Amba, the mother of all. |
Trikonaga | Who dwells in the triangle of Shri-chakra. |
Anagha | Who is sinless. |
Adhbhuta charitra | Whose ways are marvellous. |
Vanchitartha pradayini | Who grants worshippers whatever they want. |
Abhyasatishaya gyata | Who is known only through the strenuous practice of spiritual disciplines. |
Shadadhvatita rupini | Who transcends the six modes of devotion (Varna, Pada, Mantra, Kala, Tattva and Bhuvana). |
Avyaja karunamurti | Who is unconditional grace. |
agyana dhvanta dipika | Who dispels the darkness of ignorance. |
Aabalagopa vidita | Who can be understood by all, even by a child or a cowherd. |
Sarvanulanghya shasana | Whose laws none dares to transgress. |
Shri chakra raja nilaya | Who dwells in the sovereign Shri-chakra. |
Shrimath tripura sundari | Who is the divine Tripura-Sundari. |