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Lalita Sahasranamam : Part 3

Writer's picture: Uma ShankariUma Shankari

Updated: Oct 27, 2024

போன பதிவை தொடர்ந்து லலிதா ஸஹஸ்ரநாமத்தின் அடுத்த 20 வரிகளை அத்யயனம் செய்ய போகிறோம்.

ஸ்ரீதேவியின் தங்குமிடத்தின் சுருக்கமான சித்தரிப்பு தான் ஸ்ரீ சக்கரம். அமிர்தப் பெருங்கடலின் நடுவில், எண்ணற்ற வகையிலான விலைமதிப்பற்ற ரத்தினங்களின் தீவு உள்ளது. இந்தத் தீவின் புறநகர்ப் பகுதி முழுவதும் வான, விருப்பங்களை வழங்கும் மரங்கள் - கல்பக, சந்தான, ஹரிசந்தனா, மந்தார மற்றும் பாரிஜாத மரங்கள். இந்த வான மரங்களின் தோப்புகளுக்குள் ஒரு அரண்மனை மாளிகை உள்ளது. அனைத்து ஆசைகளையும் வழங்கும் ஆற்றல் கொண்ட சிந்தாமணி எனப்படும் விண்ணக கற்களால் இந்த மாளிகை கட்டப்பட்டுள்ளது. மாளிகையைச் சுற்றிலும் கதம்ப மரங்களின் இன்பத் தோட்டங்கள் உள்ளன. இந்த மாளிகையின் உள்ளே, மத்திய மண்டபத்தில், பிரம்மா, விஷ்ணு, ருத்திரன் மற்றும் ஈஸ்வரன் ஆகிய நான்கு கால்களைக் கொண்ட அரச இருக்கை (சிம்ஹாசனம்) உள்ளது. இந்தக் கட்டிலின் மேல் ஒரு மெத்தை விரிக்கப்பட்டுள்ளது, அது பரமசிவன். இந்த மஞ்சத்தில் பரபிரம்ம காமேஸ்வரர் அமர்ந்துள்ளார், அவருடைய மடியில் ஸ்ரீ மஹாத்ரிபுரசுந்தரி, பரபிரம்மனின் பெரிய ராணி, முந்தைய பாடலில் விவரிக்கப்பட்டுள்ள மிக அழகான வடிவத்தில் அமர்ந்திருக்கிறார். அம்பாளை இவ்வாறாக வழிபடுபவர்கள் அவளது ரூபத்தைத் தியானித்து, எல்லையற்ற பேரின்பத்தை அடைவார்கள்

அஷ்வாரூடா, தண்டநாதா , மந்திரிணீ , ஜ்வாலாமாலினி, சம்பத்கரீ முதலிய தேவதைகளும் இன்னும் பலப்பல வலிமையும் மேன்மையும் பொருந்திய தேவதைகளும் ஷக்தி சேனையை வழி நடத்திச் சென்று அன்னையின் பண்டாசுர வதத்திற்கு துணை நின்றதை காண்கிறோம்.

Ragam : Arabbhi

सर्वारुणाऽनवद्याङ्गी सर्वाभरण-भूषिता ।

शिव-कामेश्वराङ्कस्था शिवा स्वाधीन-वल्लभा ॥ २१॥

सुमेरु-मध्य-श‍ृङ्गस्था श्रीमन्नगर-नायिका ।

चिन्तामणि-गृहान्तस्था पञ्च-ब्रह्मासन-स्थिता ॥ २२॥

महापद्माटवी-संस्था कदम्बवन-वासिनी ।

सुधासागर-मध्यस्था कामाक्षी कामदायिनी ॥ २३॥

देवर्षि-गण-संघात-स्तूयमानात्म-वैभवा ।

भण्डासुर-वधोद्युक्त-शक्तिसेना-समन्विता ॥ २४॥

सम्पत्करी-समारूढ-सिन्धुर-व्रज-सेविता ।

अश्वारूढाधिष्ठिताश्व-कोटि-कोटिभिरावृता ॥ २५॥

चक्रराज-रथारूढ-सर्वायुध-परिष्कृता ।

गेयचक्र-रथारूढ-मन्त्रिणी-परिसेविता ॥ २६॥

किरिचक्र-रथारूढ-दण्डनाथा-पुरस्कृता ।

ज्वाला-मालिनिकाक्षिप्त-वह्निप्राकार-मध्यगा ॥ २७॥

भण्डसैन्य-वधोद्युक्त-शक्ति-विक्रम-हर्षिता ।

नित्या-पराक्रमाटोप-निरीक्षण-समुत्सुका ॥ २८॥

भण्डपुत्र-वधोद्युक्त-बाला-विक्रम-नन्दिता ।

मन्त्रिण्यम्बा-विरचित-विषङ्ग-वध-तोषिता ॥ २९॥

विशुक्र-प्राणहरण-वाराही-वीर्य-नन्दिता ।

कामेश्वर-मुखालोक-कल्पित-श्रीगणेश्वरा ॥ ३०॥


Bhandasura symbolizes hindrances that appear in our spiritual and daily lives. Bhandasura's brothers Vishukra and Vishanga represent illusion and ego. It is with Devi's anugraha that we can achieve victory over the dark forces.

When Devi started for the war with Bandasura, she was accompanied by the powers called anima, mahima etc, Brahmi, Kaumari, Vaishnavi, Varahi, Mahendri, Chamundi, Maha Lakshmi, Nitya Devaths and Avarna Devathas who occupy the Sri Chakra. While Sampatkari devi was the captain of the elephant regiment, Aswarooda devi was the captain of the cavalry. The army was commanded by Dhandini riding on the Charriot called Giri Chakra assisted by Manthrini riding on the chariot called Geya Chakra. Jwala malini protected the army by creating a fire ring around it. ParaShakthi rode in the center on the chariot of Sri Chakra. Nithya Devi destroyed a large chunk of Bandasura’s armies, Bala Devi killed the son of Bandasura, and Manthrini and Dhandini killed his brothers called Vishanga and Vishukra. When the Asuras created blockade for the marching army, Sri Lalitha Tripura Sundari created Ganesha with the help of Kameshwara to remove the blockade. Then Bandasura created the asuras called Hiranyaksha, Hiranya Kasipu and Ravana. The Devi created the ten avatars of Vishnu and destroyed them. She killed all his army using Pasupathastra and killed him with Kameshwarasthra. She then recreated Manmatha for the good of the world. (Hindupedia)


She has light reddish colour of the dawn in all her aspects

Anavadhyangi (anavadhya angi)

Every part of Her body is flawless (and in accordance with samudrikā lakśana ); anavadhya (अनवद्य)= flawless;

Sarvabharana bhooshita

She is adorned with all types of ornaments. 


She sits on the left thigh of Śiva.


Śiva means auspiciousness. She is the embodiment of auspiciousness. 


Her consort (Śiva) belongs to Her alone and He obeys her (Vallabha means lover or beloved). As She is the only creation of Śiva, it is said that Śiva belongs to Her alone.  Śiva is the cause of this universe and Śaktī is His power, and the universe exists as a result of their combination.


She lives in the centre of Meru Mountains. In the middle of Śrī Chakrā there is a triangle and in the centre of this triangle there is dot called bindu (the circle of bliss in the shri Chakra) in which Lalita lives with Her consort Mahā Kāmeśvara.


She owns this auspicious city called Śrī Nagara as an island called Ratnadvīpa in the midst of ocean of milk.  In the midst of Śrī Nagara there is another city called Śrī Vidya that is surrounded by 25 walls, each wall representing a tattva.  Lalita is the queen of such a place, from where She performs all Her acts of creation, maintenance, etc. பெருமைக்குரிய ' ஸ்ரீ ' எனற நகரத்தின அரசியாக விளங்குபவள்.



She lives in a palace on the northern side of Śrī Nagara constructed out of wish-yielding Chintāmani  gems. 


She is seated on a throne made up of five Brahmans. The five Brahmans are Brahma, Viṣṇu, RudraĪśāna and Sadāśiva.  She is the creator of the Universe and as creation is made out of the five basic elements, it could represent five chakra-s associated with 5 basic elements in our body from mūlādhāra(earth), svādhiṣṭhāna – water, maṇipūraka – fire, anāhata – air to viśuddhi – ākāśh element. Mother Lalita is sitting on these five elements, each element forming four legs of Her throne and one forming the seat.

After crossing these chakra-s, one has to proceed to ājñā chakra where mind is controlled and then proceed to the crown chakra where the union of Śiva and Śaktī takes place.

Maha Padmatavi samstha

She dwells in a lotus forest, the thousand-petalled lotus of the Sahasrara

Kadamba Vanavasini

She resides amidst the grove of Kadamba tress ( which fringe the Chintamani gruha)

Sudhasagara madhyastha

She dwells in the center of the Sea of Nectar. Sudhā-sāgara is a place in sahasrāra. When extreme heat of the kuṇḍalinī reaches soma chakra adjacent to sahasrāra, a nectar-like liquid flows down through the throat and flows into all the 72,000 nāḍi-s of the human body.


Her eyes are full of grace and compassion


She grants the prayers of the devotees

Devarsi-gana- samghāta -stūyamānātma-vaibhavā

She is worshipped by gods, goddesses, sages, demigods and goddesses.  Stūyamānātma means worshipping.  Vaibhavā means all pervading.


She is ready with Her army to wage a war against Bhaṇḍāsura.  After Manmatha was turned to ashes by Śiva.  Gaṇeśa playfully collects the ashes and creates a man who turns out to be the evil demon Bhaṇḍāsura.  Bhandasura represents limited knowledge, and Lalita is ready to wage a war against ignorance.


She is worshipped by herds of elephants headed by Sampatkarī.


She is surrounded by many war horses headed by Aśvārūḍhā Devi, the chief of the horses. Senses are compared to horses which, if let loose, run faster without a sense of direction. 


Lalitāmbikā  travels in the Chakrarāja  chariot along with all types of weapons, or the ways of attaining suddhavidyā or the knowledge of the Brahman. Chakrarāja means the Śrī Chakra, the place of Lalitāmbikā.  Pariṣkṛtā means adorned


She is attended by Her minister (Syamala) seated in Her chariot named Geya – chakra


She is preceded by Danda-nātha, the commander of Her armies in his chariot Kiri-chakra.`


She has taken position in the centre of the rampart of fire constructed by Jvālāmālinikā.

Bhandasainya-vadhodhyukta-śakthi vikrama harṣhitā

She rejoices at the valour of Her Saktis bent on destroying the army of Bhanda


She is delighted on seeing the aggressiveness of Her Nitya deities in their attack on the army of Bhanda.


She is overjoyed to see Her daughter Bala who is intent on slaying the son of Bhanda


She feels satisfaction at the destruction of Viṣhaṅga by Her chief minister Syamala


She appreciates the prowess displayed by Vārāhī in the destruction of Viśhukra


She, by a mere glance at her Consort Maheśhvara, generates Śrī Gaṇeśa

Let's hear M S Sheela sing the above lines in Arabhi Ragam

As always, The Sanskrit Channels's Slow Chanting (Part 1 of 5) for ready reference

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