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Lalita Sahasranamam : Part 4

Updated: Apr 27

Sri Vidya is a Hindu Tantric religious system devoted to the supreme Goddess Śrī Vidyā who is worshiped in the form of sri yantra or Śrī Chakra. Sri Vidya is commonly known as Lalita Tripurasundari. She is also worshiped as Shodashi - 16 years old and Balasundari - child form of Devi, and the Mantra to pray to Goddess Shodashi also consists of 16 syllables.

The great Shodasi mantra is a 28 letter mantra arranged as 3 Kootas, and Om is added in the beginning and Namah is added at the end. Without Om and Namah it is called Shodasi and with Om and Namah it is called Mahashodasi.

Hrim Ka Ae Ee La Hrim Ha Sa Ka Ha La Hrim Sa Ka La Hrim ह्रीम क ए ई ल ह्रीम ह स क ह ल ह्रीम स क ल ह्रीम ह्रीम(Hrim) क(Ka) ए(Ae) ई(Ee) ल(La) ह्रीम(Hrim) ह(Ha) स(Sa) क(Ka) ह(Ha) ल(La) ह्रीम(Hrim) स(Sa) क(Ka) ल(La) ह्रीम(Hrim).

Brahma, Vishnu and Rudra Granthi are three mental knots located in the subtle body. They block the chakras and obstruct the flow of kundalini energy. We can think of them as unconscious fears, and mental/emotional/physical conditioning which bind us to our limitations. These three mental knots are located at the level of the Muladhara, Anahata and Ajna Chakras. In order for kundalini to achieve its final upward movement to sahasrara, it must first pierce through each of the three granthis. When the granthis are pierced, kundalini will rise spontaneously, bringing a profound expansion of consciousness.

We will continue with Lalita Sahasranamam.

Ragam : VaraLi

महागणेश-निर्भिन्न-विघ्नयन्त्र-प्रहर्षिता ।

भण्डासुरेन्द्र-निर्मुक्त-शस्त्र-प्रत्यस्त्र-वर्षिणी ॥ ३१॥

कराङ्गुलि-नखोत्पन्न-नारायण-दशाकृतिः ।

महा-पाशुपतास्त्राग्नि-निर्दग्धासुर-सैनिका ॥ ३२॥

कामेश्वरास्त्र-निर्दग्ध-सभण्डासुर-शून्यका ।

ब्रह्मोपेन्द्र-महेन्द्रादि-देव-संस्तुत-वैभवा ॥ ३३॥

हर-नेत्राग्नि-संदग्ध-काम-सञ्जीवनौषधिः ।

श्रीमद्वाग्भव-कूटैक-स्वरूप-मुख-पङ्कजा ॥ ३४॥

कण्ठाधः-कटि-पर्यन्त-मध्यकूट-स्वरूपिणी ।

शक्ति-कूटैकतापन्न-कट्यधोभाग-धारिणी ॥ ३५॥

मूल-मन्त्रात्मिका मूलकूटत्रय-कलेबरा ।

कुलामृतैक-रसिका कुलसंकेत-पालिनी ॥ ३६॥

कुलाङ्गना कुलान्तस्था कौलिनी कुलयोगिनी ।

अकुला समयान्तस्था समयाचार-तत्परा ॥ ३७॥

मूलाधारैक-निलया ब्रह्मग्रन्थि-विभेदिनी ।

मणि-पूरान्तरुदिता विष्णुग्रन्थि-विभेदिनी ॥ ३८॥

आज्ञा-चक्रान्तरालस्था रुद्रग्रन्थि-विभेदिनी ।

सहस्राराम्बुजारूढा सुधा-साराभिवर्षिणी ॥ ३९॥

तडिल्लता-समरुचिः षट्चक्रोपरि-संस्थिता ।

महासक्तिः कुण्डलिनी बिसतन्तु-तनीयसी ॥ ४०॥


Ganesha was created to remove the yantra ‘jaya vignam’ planted by Bhandasura. Ganesha removed that yantra and helped the army of Lalitha to regain their self confidence.

Mahaganesha nirbhinna vighnayantra praharshita

She rejoices when Ganesha destroys the magical devices placed by Bhandasura as obstacles to Her victory.

Bhandasurendra nirmukta shastra pratyastra varshini

She counters by Her own missiles the rain of missiles directed against Her by Bhadnasura

Karanguli nakhotpanna narayana dashakrutih

Who out of Her finger nails recreated all the ten Incarnations of Vishnu.

Mahapashu patastragni nirdaghasura sainika

She burned to death the armies of demons with the fire of the great missile pashupata

Kamesvarastra nirdagha sabhadasura shunyaka

She who destroyed Bhandasura and his city called shunyaka by the Kameshwara arrow

Brahmopendra mahendradi devasamstuta vaibhava

Her manifold powers (displayed in the fight with Bhanda) are praised by Brahma, Vishnu and Indra.

Haranetragni sandagdha kama sanjiva naushadhih

She is the life giving herb, that revived the god of love who had been burnt to death by the fire of Shiva’s eyes

Shrimadvagbhava kutaika svarupa mukhapankaja

She whose lotus face is Vaghbhava koota

Kantadhah-kati paryanta madhyakuta svarupinee

She whose portion from neck to hips is Madhya kuta

Shakti-kutaikatapanna katyadhobhaga dharinee

Her form below waist is identical with the last part (Śaktī – Kūṭa) of Pañcha dashakshari Mantra.



She is the meaning of the moola or original bija mantra Mantra (Pancha – dashakshari) itself. Bija (seed) mantras are single-syllable mantras and contain vast amounts of spiritual and creative force.

mulakutatraya kalebara

Her body (both gross and subtle) is identical with Pañcha – Dashakshari Mantra with all its Kūṭas or combination of letters.


She revels in the nectar flowing from the Sahasrāra through the whole of the Kula path (i.e. the Suṣumnā).


She guards (protects from reaching unsuitable people) the esoteric doctrine of the Kaulas


She is the Female Element (Kundalini) in the Kula Path. 


She is the innermost Reality of the Kula Path.


She is called Kaulini, the core of the Kaula form of worship.


She is the Deity of the Kaulas


Who is also the Akula (Siva) who is in the thousand-petalled lotus above the Kula Path.


Who is likewise the center of the Samaya doctrine (in which the worship is done internally through meditation and which holds Siva-Sakti as of equal importance in all respects).

samayachara tatpara

For Whom the Samaya tradition of worship is dear.

Muladharaika nilaya

Whose chief residence is the Muladhara.

brahma granthi vibhedhini

Who in Her ascent from the Muladhara breaks through the Brahma-granthi (the Barrier of Brahma to the subtle dimension)

Manipuranta rudhita 

Who then emerges in the Manipura – chakra.

Vishnu granthi vibhedhini

Who then breaks through the Vishnu – granthi (the barrier to still subtler dimensions)


Who next abides in the center of the Agya – chakra

rudra granthi vibhedhini

Who finally breaks through the Rudra – granthi (the barrier to the subtlest dimension). 

Tatillata samaruchih

Who shines like a steady flash of lightning. 

shatchakropari samsthita

Who then establishes herself above the six Chakras.


Whose immense joy consists in Asakti (union with Shiva)


Who resides in the Muladhara as the Kundalini (the coiled power)

bisatantu taniyasi

Who is as fine and firm as the fibre of a lutus stalk.

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