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Lalita Sahasranamam : Part 7

Writer's picture: Uma ShankariUma Shankari

Updated: Feb 9

Devi is seated on a “Panchapreta asana” or a pancha Brahma Asaana / throne, The Pancha Brahmas are Brahmā, Vishnu, Rudra, Isvara and Sadāśiva. These 5 brahmas are task managers of creation, sustenance, dissolution, tirodhāna and anugraha. We have seen in Part 6 that Mother Lalita is ‘Maheshwara maha kalpa Maha tāndava sākśini’, At the end of creation, the Supreme Maheshwara/Parameshwara absorbs everyone, including the Trinity, into Himself. He then conducts the cosmic dance displaying the state of total merger when nothing exists. As the trinity gods do not have any existence, they are being referred to as ‘pretas’ (literally meaning lifeless). The Divine Mother now retains these deities as Her seat. Later, when She resumes creation, they are brought back into existence.

Lalitambikai is "Sahasra seersha vadana Saharakshi Sahasrapath”, phrases made up of the words "seersha" (heads), "vadana" (face), "akshi" (eyes), and "paad" (legs). Sahasra means thousand, but here it is used as a token for countless or infinite. That is, our Divine Mother is in all the life systems, and forms their heads, eyes and feet. It is Her shakti that moves all those legs and is the vision in all their eyes. Her power of creation is revealed in Unmesha-nimishothpanna Vipanna Bhuvanavalihi. By merely blinking Her eyes Maa can create a multitude of Bhuvanas. Similarly by a wink she can destroy the whole universe. It shows her Ichacha Sakthi and also her capabilities to create and destroy in one second.

Goddesses Kameshwari, Vajreswari and Bhagamalini are seated at the three corners of the triangle and in the center called Bindu,

சப்தத்திற்கும் ஒரு உருவம் உண்டு. எனவே, ஒலிக்கும் ஒலிகள் அனைத்தையும் முறையாக ஒழுங்குப் படுத்தி சீராக்கி - வடிவமாக ஓம் என்பது தான் ஸ்ரீ சக்கரமானது. ஸ்ரீசக்ர வழிபாட்டின் நாயகியான லலிதா பரமேஸ்வரியின்  இருப்பிடம் வானுலகில் ஸ்ரீநகரம்; பூவுலகில் ஸ்ரீசக்ரம். இந்த ஸ்ரீசக்ரத்தில் ஒன்பது பிரிவுகள் உள்ளன. இதில் 64 கோடி தேவதைகள் வசிக்கிறார்கள். ஒவ்வொரு பிரிவும் ஒவ்வொரு ஆவரணம் என்று அழைக்கப்படும். 

திரிகோணத்தின் மூன்று மூலைகளிலும் காமேஸ்வரி, வஜ்ரேஸ்வரி, பகமாலினி எனும் தேவிகள் வீற்றிருக்க அதன் நடுவில் பிந்து எனப்படும் மையத்தில் திரிபுரசுந்தரி படைத்தல், காத்தல், அழித்தல், மறைத்தல், அனுக்ரஹித்தல் என்ற ஐந்தொழில்களையும் காமேஸ்வரனோடு கூடிய காமேஸ்வரியாக இந்த உலகை பரிபாலனம் செய்து கொண்டு திருவருள் பாலிக்கிறாள்.

Let's study the lines 61-70

Ragam : Dhanyasi

पञ्च-प्रेतासनासीना पञ्चब्रह्म-स्वरूपिणी ।

चिन्मयी परमानन्दा विज्ञान-घनरूपिणी ॥ ६१॥

ध्यान-ध्यातृ-ध्येयरूपा धर्माधर्म-विवर्जिता ।

विश्वरूपा जागरिणी स्वपन्ती तैजसात्मिका ॥ ६२॥

सुप्ता प्राज्ञात्मिका तुर्या सर्वावस्था-विवर्जिता ।

सृष्टिकर्त्री ब्रह्मरूपा गोप्त्री गोविन्दरूपिणी ॥ ६३॥

संहारिणी रुद्ररूपा तिरोधान-करीश्वरी ।

सदाशिवाऽनुग्रहदा पञ्चकृत्य-परायणा ॥ ६४॥

भानुमण्डल-मध्यस्था भैरवी भगमालिनी ।

पद्मासना भगवती पद्मनाभ-सहोदरी ॥ ६५॥

उन्मेष-निमिषोत्पन्न-विपन्न-भुवनावली ।

सहस्र-शीर्षवदना सहस्राक्षी सहस्रपात् ॥ ६६॥

आब्रह्म-कीट-जननी वर्णाश्रम-विधायिनी ।

निजाज्ञारूप-निगमा पुण्यापुण्य-फलप्रदा ॥ ६७॥

श्रुति-सीमन्त-सिन्दूरी-कृत-पादाब्ज-धूलिका ।

सकलागम-सन्दोह-शुक्ति-सम्पुट-मौक्तिका ॥ ६८॥

पुरुषार्थप्रदा पूर्णा भोगिनी भुवनेश्वरी ।

अम्बिकाऽनादि-निधना हरिब्रह्मेन्द्र-सेविता ॥ ६९॥

नारायणी नादरूपा नामरूप-विवर्जिता ।

ह्रींकारी ह्रीमती हृद्या हेयोपादेय-वर्जिता ॥ ७०॥


Pancha prethasana seena

She who sits on the seat of five dead bodies ( these are Brahma, Vishnu, Rudra, Eesa and Sadasiva without their Shakthi(consort))

Pancha brahma swaroopini

She who is personification of five brahmas ( they are the gods mentioned in the last name with their Shakthi)


She is the supreme consciousness. Divine mother personifies herself as consciousness and fills this world. 


She who is supremely happy

Vignana Gana Roopini

Having knowledge of all the 64 art studies is called 'Vignanaghana'. Divine mother is the personification of all the studies. So she is called Vignana ghana roopini.

Dhyana Dhyathru dhyeya roopa

She who is personification of meditation, the being who meditates and what is being meditated upon

Dharmadhrama vivarjitha

She does not do karma. So she is beyond Dharma or Adharma.

Viswa roopa

She is filled in the whole universe. She is present in every ‘anu’. Vishwaroopa reminds us that God is omni present. '


The body is the dwelling place of 'jeeva'. He lives in it. This body has 4 states. 1. Jagrut, 2. Swapna, 3.Shushupti, 4. Tureeya. 'Viswa' is the jeeva who represents thoughtful sensory inputs. He is present in 'Jagrut'. Man experiences pleasant and unpleasant things in 'Jagrut'


She who is always in the state of dream. The sensory organs and limbs are inactive in swapna state. But the mind is active. The passage of time in the dream state is much faster than in Jagrut state.


Who is the soul of Taijasa, the totality of Jivas experiencing the Dream State.

In the Swapna Avastha the body is motionless and does not perform any physical karma. Dreams are the karma performed by the meta-physical body (sookshma shareera). Divine mother is the witness for all the karma performed by sookshma shareera. She is in the form of Taijasa. Hence she is called Taijasatmika. கனவு நிலை ஜீவனான தைஜஸனின் ஆத்மாவுடைய ஒளியாக இருப்பவள். கனவு நிலையில் இருக்கும் ஜீவனை தைஜஸன் என்பர்.


Suptha or sushupta is a state in which all senses, mind and intellect dissolve into 'Prana'. Only 'Gnana' is awake. By virtue of this 'Gnana' we are able to realize (after waking up) that we had deep sleep at night.


Who is the soul of the totality of Jivas experiencing Deep Sleep


Who is the Turya, a state of trance which transcends all states

Sarvavastha vivarjitha

Beyond Jagrut, swapna, shushupta and turiya is turiyateeta, which means 'beyond turiya state'. Here one experiences boundless happiness at all times. One who goes beyond Turiya will shun everything. This is Moksha. Being equal to Shiva. Those who reach here are free from bonds of rebirth. They do not perform karma.

Srishti karthri

Divine mother assigns new births to all those beings whose karma is not neutralized in previous births. Hence she is called srishti karthri. 

Brahma roopa

Who has taken the form of Brahma for creation.The act of creation is a quality of rajo guna. Of all forms of Divine mother, Brahma is mainly of rajo guna. Hence, the job of creation is assigned to Brahma.


Gopana means protecting the universe. It is the job of Eswara because he is mainly of sattva guna. Goptri means she who is protecting this universe in the form of eswara.

Govinda roopini

Govinda is mainly of sattva guna. He is the one who protects this world. Eswara and Govinda are synonyms. Divine mother is the shakti behind Govinda in the form of 'Govinda roopini'


Destruction is the job of Rudra who is majorly of Tamo guna. Divine mother gives the power of destruction to Rudra.

Rudhra roopa

Rudam dravayateeti rudrah - Rud means Sorrow or reason for sorrow. Rudra is He who removes rud. Rudra amongst trimurthies is the one mainly with tamo guna. Divine mother dissolves the world in the form of 'Rudra'. 

Thirodhana kari

She who hides herself from us


She who is of the form of easwara


She who is of the form of Sadashiva


She who blesses

Pancha krithya parayana

She who is engaged in the five duties of creation, existence, dissolving, disappearing, and blessing

Bhanu mandala madhyastha

She who is in the middle of the sun’s universe

She who is the consort of Bhairava

Bhaga malini

Bhaga means Lord, Patron, wealth and prosperity. Bhagamaalinee means Devi wearing garland twined with various qualities of prosperity.


She who sits on a lotus


She who is with all wealth and knowledge

Padmanabha sahodari

She who is the sister of Vishnu

Unmesha nimishotpanna vipanna bhuvanavali

She who creates and destroys the universe by opening and closing of her eye lids

Sahasra seersha vadana

She who has thousands of faces and heads.


She who has thousands of eyes

Sahasra path

She who has thousands of feet

Aabrahma keeta janani

She has created all beings from worm to Lord Brahma

Varnashrama vidhayini

She who created the four fold division of society

Nijagna roopa nigama

Whose commands the Vedas are. Nigama means vedas. Agna means instruction/order. Vedas prescribe the set of rules and instructions for conducting the whole creation. Hence she is called Nijagnaroopanigama

Punyapunya phala pradha

Who is the dispenser of the fruits of righteous as also of evil actions.

When karma is performed as per the methods prescribed in vedas, it accrues punya. otherwise it accrues sin. Divine mother is impartial. She gives punya or paapa based on the karma.

Sruthi seemantha sindhoori kritha padabjha dhoolika

The dust of whose feet are borne on their head by the Shruti Devatas (Vedas personified as goddesses), who prostrate before Her and thereby color Her feet with the vermilion marks on their foreheads.

Sakalagama sandoha shukthi samputa maukthika

Who is the priceless pearl contained in the casket of all Agamas. Āgama-s are traditional doctrines or precepts. 

Purashartha pradha

Who bestows the fourfold values of human life – Dharma (morality), Artha (wealth), Kama (pleasure) and Moksa (liberation).


The Brahman is full, complete and infinite. It cannot be divided. It does not change. It is eternal and omnipresent`


Who enjoys (divine bliss). Bhoga means a pleasant experience. Enjoyment. Divine mother manifests as boundless joy. Hence she is called Bhogini. 


Divine mother is the ruler of the 14 lokas

She who is the mother of the world

Anadhi nidhana

She who neither has a beginning nor an end. निधन = death

Hari brahmendra sevitha

She who neither has an end nor a beginning. Always the form of truth. Who has never been altered.


The divine energy of Narayana. Narayana is in yogic slumber under the celestial waters, symbolizing the principle of creation. The waters are called narah, because the waters are the offspring of Nara, and they were his first residence (ayana), hence Vishnu is named Narayana.`

Naada roopa

Who is in the form of Nada (cosmic sound).

The sound 'om' is called Naada.

Nama roopa vivarjitha

Divine mother is inside all living beings in this universe. However, it is not possible to assign a particular name or form to her.

Hrim kari

Who is seed-syllable (Bijakshara) Hrim, which represents Bhuvaneshvari who creates, sustains and dissolves the universe


Who is endowed with modesty. Divine mother is modest for her capabilities and caliber. She does not like pomp and vanity


She who is in the heart (devotees)

Heyopadeya varjitha (heya-upādeya-varjita)

She Who has nothing to seek or shun. Brahman is devoid of qualities to be abandoned (heya-guṇa). Upādeya (उपादेय) refers to “that what is to be taken up”,

Learn From M S Sheela The lines in Dhanyasi

Learn also the correct pronunciation using the video given below, which has LS Shlokas from 52/53 to 86

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